The exhibition “A Cut of Cinema!” at the ZODIAK Warsaw’s Pavilion of Architecture is an opportunity to get to know Warsaw cinemas. But not only. It is also a treat for neon lovers.
This year marks the 90th anniversary of the opening of the oldest cinema in Warsaw – Atlantic. In the nearby ZODIAK Warsaw’s Pavilion of Architecture from March 14th, you will be able to see an exhibition devoted to the city’s shrines of the 10th muse.
The aim of “A Cut of cinema!” exhibition is to present architecture in the context of the changing needs and expectations of viewers, influenced by socio-cultural, economic and technological changes. What was the cinema design in the past and how does it look like now? Atlantic, Iluzjon and the Skarpa cinema (non-existing today) are the objects around which the whole story is built.
The title sections, projections, photographs and films will be displayed in the Pavilion. The whole will be dominated by delicate neon light.

You will be able to see the original designs of the Atlantic cinema neon sign, the real neon “Skarpa” from the cinema in all its glory and the KINO sign from the Praha cinema. In a word – miracles!
The program accompanying the exhibition includes lectures on the history of buildings and meetings around architecture and cinematography. There will also be trips, workshops for the youngest and educational activities for students. fot.: Design of the neon of the Atlantic cinema by Tadeusz Rogowski, 1959. Graphics from the archives of the Capital City of Warsaw The exhibition hosted by the City of Warsaw. Exhibition partners: Oddział Warszawski SARP, Centrum Kultury Filmowej im. Andrzeja Wajdy, Kino Atlantic, Kino Iluzjon, Filmoteka Narodowa – Instytut Audiowizualny, Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe, Muzeum Neonów, W małym kinie Media partners: Aktivist, ARCH – dwumiesięcznik SARP, Architektura i Biznes, miesięcznik Architektura Murator, autoportret, BRYŁA, Miesięcznik Stolica